- formation of deposits
- образование отложений
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
Formation — For*ma tion (f[o^]r*m[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [L. formatio: cf. F. formation.] 1. The act of giving form or shape to anything; a forming; a shaping. Beattie. [1913 Webster] 2. The manner in which a thing is formed; structure; construction; conformation; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
formation — [fôr mā′shən] n. [ME formacioun < OFr formation < L formatio < pp. of formare: see FORM] 1. a forming or being formed 2. a thing formed 3. the way in which something is formed or arranged; structure 4. an arrangement or positioning, as… … English World dictionary
Formation de Medusae Fossae — L expression informelle « formation de Medusae Fossae » souvent abrégée en MFF, pour Medusae Fossae Formation désigne une vaste région équatoriale de la planète Mars, située dans les quadrangles d Elysium, d Aeolis, de Memnonia et d… … Wikipédia en Français
Formation evaluation — In petroleum exploration and development, formation evaluation is used to determine the ability of a borehole to produce petroleum. Essentially, it is the process of recognizing a commercial well when you drill one .Modern rotary drilling usually … Wikipedia
Formation of delta-shaped river basin — NOTOC The formation of a river basin at the mouth of the river is usually characterised by the shape of a delta, the triangular Greek letter. The cause of this shape of the river basin may be explained by the theory of colloids. IntroductionThe… … Wikipedia
Adamantina-Formation — Die Adamantina Formation ist eine litostratigraphische Einheit (Formation) von Sedimentgesteinen aus der Oberkreide des südlichen Brasiliens. Sie gehört zur Bauru Gruppe, deren Sedimente sich im Bauru Becken, ein Teilabschnitt des Paraná Beckens … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marcellus Formation — Stratigraphic range: Middle Devonian … Wikipedia
Channel-iron deposits — (CID) are iron rich fluvial sedimentary deposits of possible Miocene age occupying meandering palaeochannels in the Early to Mid Tertiary Hamerlsey palaeosurface of Western Australia. Examples are also known from Kazakhstan. The deposits are… … Wikipedia
Kaolin Deposits of Charentes Basin, France — The geological unit called Charentes basin is composed of Eocene and Oligocene deposits, laid above karstic limestone formations of the Campagnien, in the North of the Aquitaine Basin. The kaolin clays of Charentes belong to this mainly… … Wikipedia
Manto ore deposits — Manto orebodies are stratabound irregular to rod shaped ore occurrences usually horizontal or near horizontal in attitude. Manto deposits are an important source of copper, forming one of the world major copper resources in Chile and southern… … Wikipedia
Uranium ore deposits — are ore deposits which constitute economically recoverable concentrations of uranium within the Earth s crust. DistributionThe distribution of uranium ore deposits is widespread, with sizeable deposits and mines in Australia (40% of EDR [cite… … Wikipedia